Apple will have to compensate Apple Watch users

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By Jack Ferson

In 2019 Apple was denounced for a problem with the Apple Watch battery. Six years later, users have come out with their own: Apple has agreed to pay $ 20 million for compensation. Affected users will receive between 20 and 50 dollars.

Apple launched its Apple Watch smart watch in 2014. It was a novel product, and the first generations of this smart watch, suffered some failures. The most spectacular, the swollen batteries that took the screen, or folded itas seen in the news opening photo.

If this happened outside warranty, you stayed without a clock, so in 2019 Many users denounced Appleasking for a millionaire compensation.

Apple pays compensation to Apple Watch users

After six years of waiting, the complaint has ended with an agreement between Apple and the Court of California Norte, in the United States. Apple has promised to pay 20 million dollars to affected usersdespite not recognizing that there was a problem with the battery.

As explained CNET, Each affected user will receive between 20 and 50 dollars. A simple calculation tells us that those affected add up to 500,000 and one million users of the Apple smartwatch.

The complaint only affects Apple Watch 1, 2 and 3 users, since the problem of swollen batteries was solved in the Apple Watch 4.

In order to receive compensation, users have to file a claim to the Apple Technical Service between February 6, 2024 and April 24, 2025.

With this claim, they must register on this website of the complainants before April 10, 2025. Depending on the people who claim will receive between $ 20 and $ 50 from 2025. Of course, this compensation is only valid for US users , since it was there that the complaint was filed.

It does not seem a very generous reward, taking into account that, if the clock is spoiled out of warranty, you have to buy a new one, and the Apple Watch are not exactly cheap.

This ends the controversial of the Apple Watch swollen battery. For Apple 20 million dollars is Calderilla, and users at least receive a small compensation after six years of complaints. Something is something …

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Tags: Apple Watch, Industria

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