We live surrounded by surveillance cameras, cameras on cell phones, even on sunglasses. Subjected to the tyranny of facial recognition. Altering your face is almost a dream for many people, a way to regain anonymity. Become Anyone 2.0 is a face-changing LED mask.
This is an experiment by YouTuber Sean Hodgins, who is dedicated to making quite original DIY electronic projects. Like this mask with LED panels.
Become Anyone was a mask project that Sean created a while ago, and now he has come up with version 2.0, adding LED panels to show any image on face.
The LED mask to change your face
Nowadays there are LED panels with flexible screen, so making a mask with screens does not seem very complicated.
But Become Anyone 2.0 yes it is, because it is practically a handmade mask: Sean Hodgins has purchased 9.000 luces LED on AliExpress, and has placed them one by one on the panels.
In this video you can see the entire creation process of Become Anyone 2.0. Although the result is not very practical, it is quite spectacular.
Hodgins used a machine to place the 9,000 LEDs, one by one, into several matrix panels.
The coolest thing is how he welded the entire panel to the lights: with a toaster oven that barely costs 20 dollars.
He then placed the panels on the mask, and carried out a complex welding process, because the LED panels had to be connected to each otherand some angles of the face made it very complicated.
Finally, he used a Raspberry Pi to program the LED mask, another crazy process: designed an Excel table with the 9,000 lights, to control them one by one using software. It will be posted on GitHub soon.
The advantage of using a Raspberry Pi is that you can put it in your pocket, along with the battery, to use the mask anywhere, for nine hours.
Con the mask with LED panels Become Anyone 2.0 You won’t fool anyone, but you will free yourself from the lack of privacy that we have in modern societies.
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Tags: Viral, Curiosities, Screens